Having a dark or black inner thighs can be very embarrassing
to both men and women. People will associate it with poor hygiene or even
previous infections from sexually transmitted diseases whereas this might not
be the case.
people who are obese
are prone to having dark skin on their inner thighs.
This is due to the fact
that their thighs rub against each other as they are walking or exercising .
Rubbing thighs can cause discoloration and itchy skin.
Hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of black inner thighs
in women.
If your inner thighs darken during some stages when there is a lot of hormonal changes in your body such as
during your monthly cycle, lactation or pregnancy,
then hormonal imbalance is
the cause.
Friction and sweating
Excess friction and sweating between thighs can darken your
if you are fond of wearing very tight clothing like jeans, you will only
be worsening the problem.
Sometimes it happens that the rough material of the
jeans rub against thighs and this leads to skin irritation.
Rubbing of
such hard cloth material can lead to rashes and darkening of skin.
Hence wear comfortable clothes to keep skin safe from problems.
Exposure to sun
Too much exposure of your thighs to direct sunlight especially
during sunbathing can cause darkening of your inner thighs
No thigh gap
To some people, this problem results from lacking thigh gap
or having thighs that are so close to each other. This problem is what affects
obese people as seen already.
Shaving with razor
Excessive shaving for those who are a bit hairy can cause
inner black thighs.
This problem is often for people who use old razor that
irritate their inner thigh skin , thus darkening it.
How to lighten dark thighs
- Coconut oil with lemon juice
To make this natural moisturizer, Cut a lemon into two,
squeeze out the juice, mix with 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
Massage on your inner thighs for at least 15 minutes, then wash
with warm water and dry with a cloth.
- Sugar,honey , lemon
To make this mixture,mix one tablespoon
of sugar and one tablespoon of honey into the juice of half a lemon.
Now apply
this paste on your inner thighs and rub it gently in a circular motion. Wash off
with water after 10 minutes.
- Oatmeal and yogurt
Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal and yogurt into one teaspoon
of lemon juice and make a thick paste.
Apply this paste on the inner part of
your thighs and leave it there to dry for
about an hour.
This mixture has proven to be a natural exfoliant and is
a very popular home remedy among women when it comes to solving the problem of
dark skin between legs.
- Use fairness creams on your thighs
This step is optional, but applying such creams can help you
get rid of dark inner thighs quicker.
Use best lightening creams which contains
essential vitamin c,enzymes
and compounds that help to make glowing and fair skin.
Choose a nice brand cream and apply it regularly for
a month to quickly get rid of dark thighs.
Skin care tips for thighs;
- Wash your thighs properly when you bath
When you take your bath, you often forget to properly clean
your elbows, knees, neck and your inner
thighs which result in accumulation of dirt and dead skin which makes these
skin parts appear darker.
Hence when you shower, remember to use a soap and sponge
to remove skin impurities from your thighs and make it appear fair.
- Exfoliate
The reason for the dark thighs is the layer of dead cells
present on the thighs.
When you exfoliate, this layer is removed and fresh skin
layer comes to the top giving skin a fair look. Exfoliate two times a week
- Apply moisturizing cream to your thighs
Use a good lotion to moisturize this zone,this supplies
moisture to your thighs thereby keeping
your skin smooth, silky and baby soft
- Wear comfortable clothes
Wearing tight rough jeans can be the cause of dark inner
thighs because when this material rubs against skin, it damages the area and
makes it dark.
Also if the top you wear is tight and makes constant friction
with your underarms, then it can also become dark.
The type of clothes you wear can have an impact on your skin tone.
The type of clothes you wear can have an impact on your skin tone.
stay chic
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